Sunday 24 June 2018

Ready for Grade One

Our SK students visited a grade one class last week.   They were paired with a grade 1student who showed them around the class and the school.  Later in the week they went out for recess in the big yard with their buddies!  They enjoyed the experience and they are very excited to go to Grade one!

Tuesday 22 May 2018

Camping Anyone?

Our dramatic centre is currently a campsite!  We have a tent, a fire and “marshmallows”!  The kids are loving it!

Thursday 17 May 2018

Important Dates

The year is quickly coming to a close and there will be lots happening in the next few weeks.  We wanted to give you some important dates to mark in your calendar.  More information will follow regarding these events, but we wanted to let you know early.

Thursday June 14 A.M. We will be attending the last school Mass of the year at Mary Mother of God.  Parents are welcome to attend the Mass and we will need a few volunteers to accompany us on the bus.

Friday June 15th:  SK Graduation at 1:30 p.m.  Due to classroom space size, we will be inviting SK families only.

Tuesday June 19th:  Field trip to Springridge in the morning.

Again, more information and requests for volunteers will come home shortly.

Have a wonderful long weekend!

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Grandparents Tea

Thank you to all our grandparents, family members and care givers for coming to our tea today!  The children were so excited to share their class with you.  We had an amazing turn out, and I think everyone enjoyed planting, painting and playing!

Wednesday 2 May 2018


We have a dinosaur inquiry taking place in our classroom right now.  Below the kids have written about what they have learned through their dinosaur research.  We also are making dinosaur fossils!

Tuesday 24 April 2018

Recycled Art

In the spirit of Earth Day, the kids got busy creating with our recycled materials.  We are always amazed by their creativity.  An empty tape dispenser becomes a snail in a child’s hands!  In Kindergarten we promote the process of creating ( selecting materials, designing,  problem solving when designs don’t work, collaboration) not the final product.  Here are some creations.

A race track and a photocopier 

A jellyfish and a bird