Thursday 29 October 2015

Dance a thon

Don't forget that tomorrow is the dance- a- thon.  Kids can come in costume, but remember,  no weapons, masks or food treats allowed. We are dancing at 9 :30, please feel free to join us.


We have been busy with a variety of Halloween activities.   Below is our bulletin board outside our class that displays a sampling of the kids work. We did some patterning where the kids had to create a two-part or three-part pattern using Halloween stickers.  They made spiders out of egg cartons and pipe cleaners and they made their own monster using various shapes.

The kids voted on the face they wanted for our class pumpkin and today we carved it.  The kids loved feeling the inside of the pumpkin and they came up with many words to describe what they felt.  We also did an activity where the kids had to glue pumpkin seeds to paper and then count them. This was fun for them and it also allowed us to reinforce  1 to 1 correspondence.

Tuesday 27 October 2015

We Did It!

Thanks for generous food donations! With everyone's support our class has collected 102 food items! We did it! Great job everyone!

Friday 23 October 2015

71 and counting. ...

We counted our food items and so far we have 71 food items for our food drive.  Thanks awesome families for your support!  Only 29 more items needed to reach our goal of 100.

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Halloween is Coming

Today the children made their own Jack -o -lanterns. They had to draw a pumpkin, cut it out, make a face using a variety of different shapes and then explain what shapes they used and record how many of each shape.  Here is a sample of what they looked like.

Monday 19 October 2015

Our Favourite Apple

Well it looks like the Golden Delicious was the favourite apple in our class with it receiving 12 votes followed by the Macintosh with 8 and the Granny Smith close behind with 7  votes.  Graphing activities help the children to respond to and pose questions about data collection. It allows us to talk about which number is the biggest or smallest.  We discussed ordinal; which was the first, second and third choice of apples and we looked at number formation.  The children loved tasting the different apples too!

Sunday 18 October 2015

Andrews Scenic Acres

We had a great time at the farm on Friday and the weather was lovely. Thanks to the parents who volunteered for our trip!  Here are a couple photos.

Thursday 15 October 2015

Apples Apples Apples

We have  been talking about apples the last few days so today we did apple tasting.  We  tried Macintosh, Golden Delicious and Granny Smith.  The children came up with words to describe what they were tasting and then we graphed their favourite apple.  At the science table they were able to look at apple seeds and the core and then write about what they were seeing, what they were thinking and what they were wondering about. Stay tuned to find out what the favourite apple was in our class!

Thursday 8 October 2015


The children sorted the nature items into three groups: leaves, acorns and pine cones.  They then sorted the leaves into groups by colour and the pine cones into groups by size.   The acorns were counted.  So many math, language and social expectations were met.  This is  learning through play.

Monday 5 October 2015

Drama Centre and Nature

Our drama centre is being transformed into a farmer's market so we are looking for those paper baskets that you get when you buy Ontario fruits and veggies.  If you have any, please send them in.  Thanks!

We are getting ready for Thanksgiving and doing inquiries about fall. If possible we would love the children to bring in some fall items .....Acorns, pine cones, colourful leaves, milk weed, gourds fact if each child could bring in 5 items we can add a lovely math component into their learning as the children think of different ways to sort the items.  Thanks so much!

Thursday 1 October 2015

Prayer Table

We talked about our prayer table today and the special items we have on it; a cross, the Bible,  a green cloth for ordinary time, praying hands and a candle as Jesus is the light of the world.  We also read a  book called We are Catholic which talks about our  special connection to God and Jesus. We discussed how  we all belong to God's family. We have added a beaded necklace that includes each child's initial as a reminder that we are all part of God's special family.