Thursday 10 December 2015

It's Beginning to Look a lot like Christmas. ..

...even in the water table! !

New Kindergarten Technology

The Kindergarten division has received a new piece of technology.  It is a starboard, which is an interactive white board.  It uses finger touch technology so today the kids were thrilled to print their name on the board using only their finger! We used the website which has lots of educational games. We practiced our letter and number order and we had some fun decorating gingerbread houses and Christmas trees.  Our class will have the board every Thursday so we are looking forward to enhancing our learning with technology.   This piece of technology was purchased with funds from last year's dance-a-thon.

Monday 7 December 2015

Second Sunday of Advent

Yesterday was the second Sunday of Advent.  At school today we lit the second purple candle.  The second candle reminds us to show love and kindness towards each other as  we get ready for Jesus' birthday.

Sunday 6 December 2015

This week

Tuesday December 8th is Joy Day. Please join us at 10:00 am to make Christmas crafts with your child.

Advent Family Mass is Tuesday December 8th at 7PM at Mary Mother of God Church.  Hope to see you there!

Friday December 11th is spirit day! Wear red and\or green or dress like a Christmas tree!

Thursday 3 December 2015

Advent is a Time to wait....

Our kids have made a Nativity scene on our bulletin board outside our class.  We voted and the children chose Happy Birthday Jesus as the sign.  Advent is a time when we wait in anticipation to celebrate Jesus's birthday, so baby Jesus will appear in the manger on Christmas day!

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Scholastic Book Order

The Scholastic book order came home today and any orders are due Monday Dec. 7th.  Sorry it is coming home so close to the book fair last week, but I wanted to get orders in and delivered in time for the holidays.