Sunday 31 January 2016

This week the Letter is O

Just a reminder that Friday February 5th is a PA day.  We will be conducting parent/teacher interviews after school and during the evening on Thursday Feb. 4th and during the day on Friday.

Friday 22 January 2016

Snowflake Inquiry

Here is a list of observations that the children came up with during our snowflake investigation. 
1. All snowflakes are different ( dendrite,plates and needles)
2. All snowflakes have six sides.
3. Snowflakes are made of ice crystals.
4. Some snowflakes have a hexagon inside of them.
5. Some look like flowers.

The children documented their learning by drawing a snowflake and writing about it. They used photographs of different types of snowflakes to create their own picture. Below are some pictures of the inquiry. 

Thursday 21 January 2016

Snuggle Up

Snuggle Up and Read will come home Friday. Sorry I didn't get  chance to change the books...the days got away from me.

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Snow Experiment

We put some snow in a jar and we asked the kids to estimate how long it would take to melt.  We discussed how lovely and white the snow looks.....then we looked at the snow once it melted.  WOW what happened to the white snow?  The children observed that the melted snow became dirty water. We compared the dirty melted snow with clean tap water.  We discussed the importance of not eating the snow off ground.

Winter writing

We gave the children blue paper and white chalk and asked the kids to draw a winter scene and then they had to write about it.  Have a peak at our bulletin board the next time you are in the school.

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Winter Indoors

Today we brought winter inside!  We filled our water table with snow and brought it inside.  The kids loved feeling the snow and describing it....cold, freezing, icy.  A couple students put on their gloves because their hands were too cold.   Great problem solving!

I am having technical difficulties posting pictures, but will post some as soon as I figure out why it is not working.   We did some fun ice experiments yesterday, but again, I can't post the photos....will try again....

Friday 8 January 2016

Zero is an important Number

One of the students made a comment about the importance of the number zero. This led us to read a book about the number zero. The story is about how all of the numbers are not very nice to zero because they do not think that she is very important. One day zero decides to leave the school because she is sad. She goes to the library and disguises herself as the letter O, she becomes a tire swing and all the children at the park love her, she goes to the donut store and is almost eaten by a child. Meanwhile back at school everyone is realizing how  many numbers can't be made without zero. The other numbers  put  an apology in the newspaper and zero sees it and comes back. Everyone is thrilled she's back and they apologize for treating her so poorly as now they realize how important she is.

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Snow words

The children came up with the following winter words for our word wall. We plan on doing some winter pictures and then the children will be able to write about what they create.

Sunday 3 January 2016

Happy New Year!

Welcome back!  We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends.  We are looking forward to seeing everyone on Monday!   Our PAT letter this week is R.

The weather certainly co-operated over the holidays, however, winter has finally arrived.  Just a reminder that the children are out 3 times a day (unless the school board says it is too cold), so please ensure your child comes to school with snow pants, boots, hats and mitts. Our playground is very windy, so snow pants are important even if there is no snow.   Please label everything, so items do not go missing.  Please work with your child to ensure that they can dress themselves in their winter gear, especially zipping zippers.