Sunday 28 February 2016

Friday March 4th is Dinosaur Day in our class

We are going to have a Dinosaur Day this Friday.  If your child has any clothing with dinosaurs on it please have them wear it. Don't worry if they don't, we will be making some dinosaur crafts to wear!
Your child can also bring in a favourite dinosaur if they would like.  Please label your child's dinosaur if possible....a piece of masking tape around the tail or leg would probably work.

Paleontologists Hard at Work

Last week the children made dinosaur fossils using flour, salt, water and coffee grounds.  The combination of these ingredients made a playdoh like material that the children then pressed a dinosaur part into to make the fossil.  Miss Araujo took them home and baked them and then put them in the sand table.  Below are some shots showing our budding palaeontologists!! So much fun!!!

Wednesday 24 February 2016


In our dinosaur research we are learning about carnivores and herbivores.  The children researched that carnivores have sharp teeth to eat meat and they walk on their hind legs.  Herbivores have flat teeth to eat leaves and they walk on all fours.  Below is a picture of the dinosaur landscape museum that a few kids made.

Friday 19 February 2016

100 days of school

This pat week we celebrated 100 days of school, you may have seen the crowns coming home.  We polled a few kids and asked them what they wished they had 100 of....see the answers below.

Dinosaur Invasion!

,We have a dinosaur inquiry going on in our classroom right now.  So many of the children have been interested in dinosaurs. Our science table is filled with dinosaur books and dinosaurs and a few students are making a miniature dinosaur world.  Below are a few photos so far.  A T-Rex paid a special visit to our playground.  And we thought they were extinct!!

Paging Doctor.....

Our drama centre is now a doctors office.  I guess people worked out too hard at the gym as the doctors are treating lots of sports injuries.....LOL

Thursday 18 February 2016


We have lots of runny noses right now so if you could send in a box of Kleenex we would appreciate it.

Monday 15 February 2016

Letter this week is F

Sorry for the late post.   I thought I had posted this earlier.
Hope everyone had a nice Family Day weekend.   Here's to a healthy week! A lot of children were away sick last week and so was I, so let's pray for good health!!

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Jersey Day

This Friday February 12th is Jersey Day at St. Andrew. Wear any kind of sports jersey and show your school spirit!

Valentine's Day

If your child is sending in Valentine cards to share with his/her classmates this Friday please note that we have 29 students: 12 boys and 17 girls.
For ease of distribution please sign the cards like this:
To My Friend
From "your child's name"
You can imagine how difficult it is to distribute cards to 29 children if your child can't read their classmates name. If 29 childen bring in 28 cards that is 812 cards that need to be put in Valentine bags.  There is a greater chance that cards will get mixed in the wrong bags when they are addressed to individual students.

Please remember that candy treats are not permitted.   Thanks for your help.

Lent Begins

Wednesday is the first day of Lent, the 40 days before Easter. Traditionally we think of Lent as a time to give things up. However, for kindergarten we like to focus on ways that we can help others. 
Tomorrow we will be sending home milk cartons from the Holy Childhood Association.  This is an organization that promotes itself as childen helping children. To that note, we are asking your children to collect some spare change during Lent to help others.  You may want to have your children do some extra things around the house in order to put money in the box.
We will be talking about ways we can help others and be "more like Jesus" during Lent.

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Push-ups Anyone?

You may have heard that our drama centre is a gym.  Yes the children are doing jumping jacks, push ups and burpees!  There is a juice bar and a laundry mat where they wash and fold the towels.  We have personal trainers and gym supervisors.  There is even some yoga happening.
The drama centre is  great place for children to develop their oral language skills,  role playing, turn taking and valuable social skills.

Monday 1 February 2016

Groundhog Day

Today we talked about Groundhog Day and what happens if the groundhog sees his shadow.  The children answered the morning question which asked if they thought the groundhog would see his shadow or not.  19 think the groundhog will see his shadow (6 more weeks of winter) and 9 think he will not see his shadow ( early spring).  Tuesday's question will ask if the groundhog saw his shadow so please listen to the news tomorrow morning!!  

I am hoping for no shadow so we get an early spring, although truthfully, I don't think we have had winter yet!

Scholastic Book Order

The book order is coming home today. Please return by Thursday so I can put the order in and get it back before valentine's day.