Tuesday 31 January 2017

Hibernation Inquiry

Our hibernation inquiry has been continuing. Have a look at how the kids have been showing what they are learning!

Sunday 29 January 2017

This week

PAT letter is D

Scholastic Book order due Thursday Feb. 2nd

Friday February 3rd is a PA day..no school for students

Friday 27 January 2017

Bus Safety Presentation

Today we went to a bus safety presentation in the gym.   The kids learned about sitting on the bus properly, exiting the bus and how to cross the street safely in front of the bus.  There is an activity book in their bag about bus safety.  Ask them about Buster the bus!

Tuesday 24 January 2017


  Check out our drama centre!  Thanks for sending in your empty boxes. We are fully stocked now!

Friday 20 January 2017

Word Games

Sight Word Bingo
Help your child learn these sight words in a fun way!  There are 4 cards so invite a friend or family member to play!

Fishing Game
Cut out the fish and put them in a "pond" or "bowl". Have your child go fishing for a word.  Most will need help reading them at first. You can also staple one end of each fish and then use a magnet to go fishing.  Most importantly, have fun playing and learning with your child!

Our Snowmen Melted

This warm weather has caused all our snowmen to melt!

Thursday 19 January 2017


We have a penguin/puffin comparison taking place right now. Today the kids looked at how the two birds are the same.


Our drama centre is a Costco so if you have any empty boxes from nut free products, please send them in.  We can also use empty plastic containers, juice cartons etc.

Wednesday 18 January 2017

Rosary Apostolate

Today we learned about the First Mystery of Light: The Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River.

Monday 16 January 2017

This week

I hope everyone had a great weekend. 
On Tuesday the JK Snuggle Up reading program will begin. Books will come home Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Please return the books the next day.  Inside the duotang are reading strategies to assist you.

On Wednesday we have the Rosary Apostolate in the morning.

Friday  is the day that milk orders are due.
PAT this week is the the letter R

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Ordinary Time

We talk about the seasons of the church and we have returned to ordinary time now that the Epiphany is over.  We changed ithe purple Advent cloth on our prayer table back to green.

Winter Has Arrived!

Check out our winter wonderland art!


We have started an inquiry about hibernation.  We are talking about which animals hibernate in winter.

Sunday 8 January 2017

Happy New Year!

Welcome back everyone.  We hope you enjoyed a wonderful Christmas break with family and friends.
We are looking forward to seeing everyone on Monday!
This week our PAT letter is H.