Monday 27 November 2017

Week of November 27th

There is a lot going over the next few weeks as we head into the Christmas season.  Here are some dates and activities that are taking place.

Wednesday November 29: wear pink to support bullying awareness.  We don’t talk about bullying in Kindergarten, instead we want to spread the message of treating everyone with kindness in all we say and all we do.

Friday December 1st:  As you know, our class won first place for raising the most money at the dance a thon for the Kindergarten division.  On Friday we are going to be having pajama day and we will be watching a Christmas movie to kick off the Christmas season.  Children can also bring in a favourite stuffed toy.

Sunday December 3rd: This is the first Sunday of Advent.  Starting on Friday, we will be sending home our Advent bags.   For the remaining school days leading up to Christmas, we will send the Advent bags home with two children each day.  Please complete the activities and return the bag the next day, so that someone else can take it home.

December 4-8th:  We will begin collecting gift cards for our Tree of Love charity initiative.  We are asking for gift cards to Walmart or The Canadian Superstore.  All gift cards will be given to The St. Vincent De Paul Society for distribution to those less fortunate in our community.

December 5th:  Advent family Mass at Mary Mother of God Parish at 7pm.

December 20th:  Joy Day!  We will be inviting a family member to come in and make Christmas crafts with their child.  It will take place in the morning of the 20th.  More details will follow shortly, but we wanted to give you notice of the date.

Sunday 26 November 2017


Thanks so much to all our parents for coming to the interviews.  Miss Araujo and I enjoyed speaking to you about your child's progress.   We both feel truly blessed to teach your wonderful children.   Thanks for all you do at home to support your child's learning.

Sunday 19 November 2017

Week of November 20th

This is our day to view the book fair.  We will not have library this week, as the book fair is set up in the library.

The Initial Observations Report comes home along with your interview time.

The Rosary Apostolate begins today.  A volunteer will come to our class to teach the children about Mother Mary and the Rosary.  This is a lovely program that began at our school last year.  Each grade has visits from a volunteer and the lessons are geared towards each age group.

Parent\teacher interviews begin at 3:40 today and run into the evening.

This is a PA day for students as interviews will continue today.

Friday 17 November 2017

Tower Inquiry Continues..

The kids made a town with various sizes of towers and buildings.  What a fantastic example of co-operation and collaboration!

Thursday 16 November 2017

Tower Inquiry

 We have a tower inquiry underway in our class right now. Some of the children have been doing some research on towers  from around the world, some have been creating their own towers  or building the CN Tower out of blocks.

Tuesday 14 November 2017

Paint the Town Red

As a fundraiser for United Way, we are having “Paint the Town Red”
day on Friday, November 17. Please dress in red and bring in a toonie donation for the United Way.

Remembrance Day

Thursday 9 November 2017

Hair Salon

Our drama centre is now a hair salon!  The kids are learning to role play, take turns and share when they are playing in the drama centre.  We also have a cash register with “money” so they are also learning the value of Canadian bills and numbers while they are playing.

Tuesday 7 November 2017

SK Snuggle Up and Read

Your child is bringing home their Snuggle Up and Read duo tang today.  Please read the note on the inside cover of the duotang for strategies to use when reading with your child.  Please note that the average age of reading is 6.5, so don’t worry if your child isn’t reading yet and please don’t focus on their reading level or pressure them to “move up”a level.  We want this time with your child to be fun and we want them to feel proud and confident in their reading.
The JK students will bring home their reading books in January.

Sunday 5 November 2017

Week of November 6

Monday 6th
Interview forms due.  10 minute interviews will take place on the evening of Thursday November 23rd and during the day on Friday November 24th.

Wednesday 8th:
library books due back

Thursday 9th:
Scholastic book orders due.  Our school will also be having a book fair during the week of November 20th.  More information will follow.

Friday November 10
Pizza day - send plate
Kindergarten will not be going to the Remembrance day liturgy in the gym.

Friday 3 November 2017

Seasonal Changes

We asked the kids to paint a tree and then they got to chose their favourite season.  Have a look at our beautiful creations!  We love how each tree is different, just like in nature.

Thursday 2 November 2017

Yay We Won!

Thanks for all your generous donations to the dance-a-thon!  As a school we raised $20,135!

AND our class raised the most money out of the 5 Kindergarten classes, so thank you!
 We will let you know what our class prize is soon!!

We Scare Hunger

As of Wednesday we had collected 45 food items!  We arranged each item on our hundreds carpet!

Wednesday 1 November 2017


Today was our first library visit.  We will be going every Wednesday.   You can keep the library book until the following week.  Please make sure your child brings back their book each week so they can select a new one.  Thanks!


 The kids voted on the pumpkin face and the scary one was the winner.  See Miss Araujo in action as she carves the pumpkin with the kids.  The children enjoyed the sensory experience of scooping out the seeds!  We are using the seeds for math activities.  We are having the JK's count out 10 seeds to enhance their one to one correspondence, which is understanding that each object in a group is only counted once.  Then we ask them how many seeds they just counted as we want them to know that the last count of a group of objects represents the total number in that group.   Some children will be able to tell us that they counted 10 seeds and others will count the seeds again.  Try this activity at home with any objects to assist your child in understanding quantity.
With the SK's we want them to know what 100 looks like so we will be making a chart of 100 seeds and then we will look at counting by 10's to 100.  We want them to understand that by grouping objects together, it makes it easier to count.