Tuesday 30 January 2018

Grocery Store

Our drama centre is transforming into a grocery store and we need your help.  Please send in any empty, clean food boxes, bottles, containers etc.  Please do not send glass or any boxes that contained peanut products.

The grocery store is a great
opportunity to practice number printing as they make price stickers and use the cash register.   It also allows the kids to explore Canadian coins and bills (pretend of course!)
Thanks as always for your support!!

Monday 29 January 2018

God’s Snow Angels

Here is our winter bulletin board, complete with our own angels!


The children were asked to paint the earth and then they described something special about earth.  Here are a few examples of what the kids said.

Sunday 28 January 2018

Zones of Regulation

Zones of Regulation is an approach to teaching self-regulation in a way that makes children aware of how they are feeling and then identifies strategies they can utilize to help them regulate their emotions.  It is a colour based system that makes it easy for kids to self-identify how they are feeling.  Our whole school is using this system.  We introduced it to our kids last week so if you hear them talking about what colour they are, you will know what they are talking about.

The BLUE zone is when one may feel tired, sad, sick or bored
The GREEN zone is when one is calm, alert and ready to learn
The YELLOW zone is when one feels anxious, frustrated, silly-wiggly, nervous
The RED zone is when one is really angry, over - excited, explosive behaviour

Ideally we want to be in the green zone, so if we are in the blue, we can do things like eat if we feel tired (food is fuel for the body).  If we are in the yellow or red zone we can tell a teacher, take deep breaths, take a break or walk away.  It is important for children to be able to identify their emotions and then learn how to manage them so that they can get themselves into an optimal state for learning.

Tuesday 23 January 2018

Space Inquiry

We have a space inquiry taking place in our class right now.  Here are some of the things that the children already knew about space:
 There are many stars in space.
 The sun is the hottest.
 There are nine planets in space.

Here is what they have learned about the planet earth:

Wednesday 17 January 2018

Rosary Apostolate Visit

Today we learned about the Luminous Mystery of the Transfiguration.  This is the story where Jesus goes to pray on a mountain with some of his apostles and his image begins to shine with great rays of light.  Transfiguration was explained to the children to mean that something changes into something even more beautiful.
The children are always so respectful during these visits from our Rosary Apostolate volunteers.  They only come once a month, but the children all listen quietly and they enjoy participating in learning new songs and prayers such as the Hail Mary and Our Father.  We are always so proud of them!

Sunday 14 January 2018

Week of January 15

PAT this week is R

JK Snugle Up and Read begins on Tuesday.  Books at your child’s reading level will be sent home each Tuesday and Thursday.  Instructions for reading with your child will be included in the green folder.   Please return the folder each Wednesday and Friday so that we can change over the books.

Wednesday:  we have the Rosary Apostolate visit in the morning.

Friday Form Day!
Please return the milk form (if paying by cheque)
Trivia Night form is due
Trip form is due.  Please make sure you complete both sides of the permission form and return it, even if paying online.

Thanks Mrs. Hutmacher for donating this cool kitchen to our class!  The kids are enjoying it.

Wednesday 10 January 2018

Doctor’s Office

Our drama centre is now a Doctor’s office.  It is great to see the children role playing the different community helpers.  They are learning to share, take turns and use their imagination.  I love how they are displaying empathy when taking care of their patients.  We have had broken legs, broken arms, sore tummies and even a broken neck! Yikes!   Good thing it is only pretend!

Tuesday 9 January 2018

Craft Materials

We are looking for empty cardboard tubes, small cardboard boxes and any other "beautiful junk" that you no longer want or need.  The kids love to create and in Kindergarten we promote the process of creating, not the final product.  Please send it in if you think we could use it.  Thanks!