Sunday 20 September 2015

First Full Week

We had a great first week of school!  The children are settling in and learning the class rules and routines and they are getting to know their classmates.  There has been the occasional tear or "I miss my mommy", but for the most part, the kids are adjusting well.  If they are feeling a little sad, we tell them to put their palm of their hand to their cheek and feel the love of mommy and daddy.  This comes from the book "The Kissing Hand", which we read last week.   At home you can kiss their palm and remind them to put their hand on their cheek if they are missing you!

Last week the kids printed their names and began working on their self-portraits.  We will have them displayed on curriculum night when you come in.

We had two fire drills last week and the children did a beautiful job!  We are required to have 3 in the fall and 3 in the spring, so there will be one more very soon.  We prepared them for it by reading a book about fire drills and then we practiced before the actual drill so that everyone knew what to do.  They were awesome at lining up quietly, walking single file and remaining quiet during the whole drill.  We were very proud of them!

Your child might be talking about how they styled Mrs. Harrison or Miss Araujo's hair this week.  That is because we have changed our drama centre into a hair salon.  The children are loving "washing", "colouring" and "styling" each other's hair.  Don't worry, they don't use actual combs or brushes (lice precaution)  they just pretend.  The drama centre provides your child with the opportunity to learn the following:

  • imagination and role playing
  • to work cooperatively with peers
  • to communicate ideas with others
  • to take turns, share and use kind words
  • to learn about people in their community
  • to nurture and care for others
  • to tidy up when finished playing

Looking forward to another great week!

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