Wednesday 27 April 2016

Flower Shop

Our drama centre is now a flower shop.  We have real dirt, garden gloves and mini gardening tools!!! 

Our Earth Day Promise

Last week for Earth Week we made the earth using paint and marbles and then the children wrote their promise to help the earth.  Here is a sample below...

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Brrrr It's Cold

Please remember to send your child to school with mitts and a hat. Many are coming without these items and they are cold. Our playground is very breezy.  Thanks

Thursday 21 April 2016

Number Talk

Today we put the number 3 on the white board and we asked the children to tell us about this number.  Below is a recording of what they said.  Their answers show their thinking and understanding of math concepts such as ordinals, quantity, time, counting, stable order of numbers and addition.  We really want the children to understand the importance and prevalence of math in our everyday lives.  

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Save the Date

We will be inviting families to join us in the classroom on Tuesday may 3rd at 2pm for Catholic Education Week. More information will follow next week.

Monday 18 April 2016

Earth Week Liturgy

We started Earth Week off with a classroom liturgy.  We discussed the importance of taking care of Mother Earth and how we are so thankful for all the beauty of God's creation.  We brought forth gifts of water, shells, seeds and soil to place on our front table as a symbol of God's gifts of creation.  We read  the creation story in Genesis, a lovely poem called The Seed and then we closed with the song He's Got the Whole World in his Hands.  The children were once again, respectful and reverent.   Great  job parents in raising such lovely children!

Spring Has Sprung!

The lovely weather has finally arrived and so we say a fond farewell to snow pants, boots and mittens!!
Please  keep in mind the following as we are outside 3 times a day:
Sunscreen should be applied in the morning before your child arrives for school as we do not apply sunscreen.
Please send your child to school with a sun hat and have them dress in layers as the mornings can be cool.
Please continue to have indoor and outdoor shoes as we don't want the outdoors tracked onto our carpets where the children play.
For your child's safety, please do not send them to school in flip flops, sandals or shoes with laces.  Thanks for your understanding.

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Soap for Hope

In the past, St. Andrew Catholic School has generously responded to the SOAP FOR HOPE initiative organized by the Mary Mother of God Parish in support of Dr. Simone’s Canadian Food for Children. 

Last year our school collected more than 1200 soap products that were sent to help families in Guatemala, South America. We would like to invite each child and family of St. Andrew Catholic School to participate in this charitable and worthwhile project again this year. 

During the dates of Friday, April 15th to Thursday, April 21st 2016, students are invited to bring a bar of soap to their classroom, or any other form of soap for example, laundry or liquid soap. All classroom donations will be collected on Thursday, April 21st, 2016 and presented to the organizing committee from Mary Mother of God Parish.

 When a bar of soap is given to a poor family, we give HOPE! We thank you in advance for your support of this worthwhile and humanitarian initiative. 

(this information was cut and pasted from our school April Newsletter)

Monday 11 April 2016

Blast Off!!

Our drama centre is being turned into a space station.  Miss Araujo brought in a piece of fabric with a space pattern on it.  This inspired the children to want to change our drama centre into the space station.  Stay tuned as our drama centre is transformed!!

Sunday 10 April 2016

Important Dates this week

Monday April 11:  Library
Monday April 11:  Scholastic Book orders due
Thurs.    April 14:  Movie Night Ticket orders Due
Friday    April 15:  SOAP FOR HOPE drive starts.

Sunday 3 April 2016

Winter is Back!

Let's hope that this cold spell is the last.  Please continue to send your child to school with snow pants and boots.  Our playground gets windy, making it extra chilly.

Reminder : This Friday is a PA day so no school for students.

Friday 1 April 2016

Jesus Gives New Life

Here is a picture of our spring bulletin board.  We painted the kids hands as a flower and then they painted their stem and leaves.  They also added some birds, bees, butterflies and bugs.  We will label our board next week.  Here is a picture of it so far....

Solar System

We are doing an inquiry about the solar system right now.  Here is a picture of the solar system that the kids did.  They researched the colours of the planets and then painted them.  We also are watching some short YouTube clips of astronaut Chris Hadfield in space.  We learned how astronauts brush their  teeth in space and how they sleep.  So much fun in Kindergarten!