Wednesday 13 April 2016

Soap for Hope

In the past, St. Andrew Catholic School has generously responded to the SOAP FOR HOPE initiative organized by the Mary Mother of God Parish in support of Dr. Simone’s Canadian Food for Children. 

Last year our school collected more than 1200 soap products that were sent to help families in Guatemala, South America. We would like to invite each child and family of St. Andrew Catholic School to participate in this charitable and worthwhile project again this year. 

During the dates of Friday, April 15th to Thursday, April 21st 2016, students are invited to bring a bar of soap to their classroom, or any other form of soap for example, laundry or liquid soap. All classroom donations will be collected on Thursday, April 21st, 2016 and presented to the organizing committee from Mary Mother of God Parish.

 When a bar of soap is given to a poor family, we give HOPE! We thank you in advance for your support of this worthwhile and humanitarian initiative. 

(this information was cut and pasted from our school April Newsletter)

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