Sunday 5 June 2016

This week letters WH

All library books are due back Monday June 6th.  We will not be doing a book exchange for the remainder of the year.

THURSDAY JUNE 9TH:  Our class performs in Beauty and the Beast at 1pm and 7pm.  Please send your child to school dressed in dark pants/skirt and white top.  Please let us know if your child will NOT be attending school for the evening performance.

Air Conditioning:  As you probably know, the air conditioner in the school is not working and will not be fixed until July.  We have a couple fans in the classroom and we have been keeping the lights off as much as possible.  Please continue to send your child to school with a re-fillable water bottle so they can re-fill it at the fountain.

It was great to see so many of you at the school BBQ!  We had a wonderful turnout and the weather was fantastic!!

SK graduation is taking place on Thursday June 23rd @ 2pm.  Due to the fact that the AC is not working, we would like to keep the number of people to a minimum in the classroom.  Therefore, we are asking that only SK families attend the ceremony.  The JK's will have their moment next year when they are the one's graduating.

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