Wednesday 19 October 2016

Rosary Apostolate

Today our class had our first visit from our Rosary Apostolate volunteer ( Mrs. Sparano) who will be coming in every month to teach the children about praying the Rosary.  This is something the whole school is taking part in.  Today the children learned  the Hail Mary using actions to go with the prayer.  In your child's mailbag is a Rosary for them to keep at home.  Each child was also given a colouring book that we will keep at school. This month we coloured the picture of the the first Joyful Mystery : The Annunciation of the Lord.  This is where the angel Gabriel tells Mary that she will be Jesus' mother.  We are very excited that our school will be taking part in this beautiful program!  Thanks Mrs. Sparano for doing such a great job teaching the kids today!

1 comment:

  1. This is a wonderful program and I am very happy that Luisa's mom is the one to help out in the classroom.
