Sunday 27 November 2016

1st Sunday of Advent

Today  is the first Sunday of Advent. Your child has brought home an Advent wreath which is made from their handprint. Please have your child colour the flame yellow on one purple candle.   On the inside of the Advent package are prayers that you can use for the four weeks of Advent.  Also included is an advent calendar that begins on December 1.

 Beginning this week, we will be  sending home a special Advent bag with a different child each day. Inside the bag is a Nativity story, activity and Advent journal. Please take time to enjoy the contents of the bag and to help your child complete a page in the journal. They will share their journal entry with the class the next day.  The Advent bag is to be kept for 1 night only so that a different child can take it home the next day.

PAT Letter is C this week

Wednesday 23 November 2016

Christian Meditation

Today was our second time doing Christian Meditation as a whole school. The kids were awesome! They sat still and quiet for two minutes.  I asked how they felt after and here is a sampling of the responses.
" I heard God and it made me feel calm"
"Like Jesus was talking to me"
"Pleasing God"
"Jesus was loving me"
"God talked to me"
"Angels singing "
"So relaxed that God blessed me".

So beautiful, we were so proud of our kids!

Monday 21 November 2016

New to Our Class

We have a new friend in our class! We call him Flash!! He lives under water.  The kids are enjoying having a new class pet and it has sparked an inquiry.   Here is a sampling of what the kids want to learn  about Betta fish.

Sunday 20 November 2016

Important Dates

This Friday November 25th is a PA Day. 

Save the Date
Tuesday December 20th at 2pm is our class Christmas play. More info will follow but we wanted to give you lots of notice.

Book Fair

This week is our school's Scholastic Book fair, so there is no library book exchange this week.  Please feel free to keep the book an extra week.
All classes will have the opportunity to preview books at the book fair and create a"wish list" of books they would like.
Our class viewing day is Wednesday November 23rd. Your child will come home with a wish list that day. If you would like to purchase the book on their list please send in the money on Thursday November 24th. You are under no obligation to purchase the books on your child's wish list. We will be discussing with the children that a wish list does not mean they are going to get the book.


It was great seeing so many of you last week during observations. We hope you enjoyed sharing this special time with your child.  We have a few more observations this week so we look forward to seeing those parents too!

Thursday 17 November 2016

Found Junk

Our children love to create at the art centre so we are always looking for donations of "found junk".  This can be things like:
water bottle lids
junk mail envelopes
old greeting cards (names removed)
ribbon or yarn
material scraps
empty paper towel rolls
paper egg cartons
old wrapping paper or bows
anything you don't need and think would useful.....

The children never cease to amaze us with their creativity!

As always with art, we encourage the process of creating, not the final product.

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Rosary Apostolate

Today we had our second session of the Rosary Apostolate.  Today the children learned about the Second Joyful Mystery: The Visitation.
This is where Mary visits St. Elizabeth and helps her until she gives birth to St. John the Baptist.
We talked about our Rosaries that we were given and how special they are. They are to be kept in a special place at home and only used when praying.

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Brrrr the Weather is Changing

We have been blessed with a beautiful fall this year, however the weather is starting to get cooler.
We strive to promote independence in the children which includes having them do up their own zippers. Please practice with your child to make sure they can zip their own jackets.
Also, mittens are better than gloves as they keep their little hands warmer and they can put them on independently.
Please label all hats and mitts as we have 29 children with many of the same items.

Friday 11 November 2016


We have been talking about peace this week in honour of Remembrance Day.  We read several books and then the SK'S wrote about what peace means to them.  We asked the JK's what peace means and then we created a chart.  

The children also did some beautiful poppy art.

Have a look when you are in next week.

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Snuggle Up and Read SK ONLY

The Snuggle up and Read program for the SK students begins today, Nov. 8th.  Books will come home on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Please have your child read to you. Please return the books Wednesday and Friday so that books can be exchanged.  Please sign next to the book read that day or I will assume you did not read it and will send the same book back.

The JK reading will begin in January.

Sea Monster and the Bossy Fish

We read a story about a fish who was very bossy and didn't want to share the toys and sometimes didn't include others.
These stories are a great way to reinforce kindness and including others in our play.  We always tell the kids that their number one job is to "show God's Love".

Thursday 3 November 2016


Our class won second prize for raising $1332 for the dance a thon!! Thanks so much to all of you for your donations.  As a school we raised over $20,000. 
Our prize is ice cream (peanut free ) and a movie! The kids were excited to learn we had won. 

Wednesday 2 November 2016


Our drama centre is currently a classroom, complete with a wordwall, alphabet, colours and the question of the day!

Shape Monsters

We have been working on shape monsters for Halloween. The kids had to make a monster and then count the shapes they used.  Here are a few...

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Halloween Candy

Please keep Halloween candy at home and not in children's snacks and lunches.