Wednesday 23 November 2016

Christian Meditation

Today was our second time doing Christian Meditation as a whole school. The kids were awesome! They sat still and quiet for two minutes.  I asked how they felt after and here is a sampling of the responses.
" I heard God and it made me feel calm"
"Like Jesus was talking to me"
"Pleasing God"
"Jesus was loving me"
"God talked to me"
"Angels singing "
"So relaxed that God blessed me".

So beautiful, we were so proud of our kids!


  1. How wonderful. Is this something we can do at home with our children?

  2. Yes you could do this at home. Christian Meditation is another form of prayer. It requires that each person is present in the moment so you should sit comfortably, either cross-legged or on a chair with your feet on the ground. Eyes are closed and hands are resting on your lap. We use a chime to signal the beginning of the two minutes of meditation. In your head you can chant either "Maranatha" or "come Lord Jesus" for the two minutes. A chime signals the end of the meditation. A beautiful way to end a busy day and quiet our minds!

  3. Very good practice for all, will help with Stress Relief, many ways to do meditation, practicing at this age will hopefully instill a practice for the future. Ella K, I hope you enjoyed your meditation practice. Tante

  4. I love that the blog is being shared with other family members! Thanks for your comments.
    Nancy Harrison
