Sunday 15 October 2017

Last week events and next week news

Fire Drills
We had two fire drills on Friday and we were so proud of our kids!  They lined up quietly, walked in single file and line up without talking outside.  They were awesome!  We are done our three drills for the fall, we will do three more in the spring.  We still will have to do a lockdown drill and a bomb threat drill this fall.  When we prepare for the lockdown we tell the kids that we do them in the event that an animal gets into the school.  We tell them we have to sit quietly in the class so that we don't scare the animal in the hall until the animal control people come rescue the animal.  We feel this is the best way to handle this type of drill with such young children.

Reading Buddies
Friday was the first time our Reading Buddies came to our class.  Our Reading Buddies are Mr. Hundt's grade 4 students.  Each of our kids is paired with a "big kid" for one on one reading.  The grade 4's love the sense of responsibility and leadership that comes with being a Buddy and our kids really look up to the "big kids".  Our buddies come every Friday in the afternoon for about 30 minutes.

Our school photo re-take day is October 24th.  If you want your child to have their picture re-taken, please send us a note.

Early Bird Draw for the Dance-a-thon
Friday October 20th is our early bird prize draw for those families that get their donation in by this Friday.  Please use the on-line donation button on the school website.

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