Tuesday 24 April 2018

Recycled Art

In the spirit of Earth Day, the kids got busy creating with our recycled materials.  We are always amazed by their creativity.  An empty tape dispenser becomes a snail in a child’s hands!  In Kindergarten we promote the process of creating ( selecting materials, designing,  problem solving when designs don’t work, collaboration) not the final product.  Here are some creations.

A race track and a photocopier 

A jellyfish and a bird

Thursday 19 April 2018


We had a special visit today from a grade 8 student named Sophia who performed ballet for the class. It was an amazing display of talent!  I dropped by the Volunteer Tea yesterday, in time to see Sophia perform for the parents.  I asked her if she would be willing to perform for the class as we had students doing their own “ballet recital “ in our class.  She was more than willing to come by today.  She danced and then she showed the kids her ballet slippers, tap shoes AND she brought in 3 of her costumes that she has danced in!  We learned that she has been dancing since she was 3 and she now dances 5 days a week, for about 13 hours in total.  We were so impressed with her confidence and poise- what a great role model for our kids!  

Sunday 15 April 2018

Soap For Hope and Beautiful Junk

Please send in soap products this week for our Soap for Hope drive.

 In anticipation of Earth Day on April 22nd, we are also asking for you to send in any “beautiful junk” that you have around the house.  During the week of April 23rd we will be creating art using recycled materials.  “Beautiful junk” includes things like the following:

Cardboard, tubes, small boxes, egg cartons
String, yarn, material scraps
Buttons, feathers, beads
Cards, envelopes, wrapping paper
Lids, extra screws, bolts, washers 
Whatever else you may have around the house that we can use...

Looking ahead...we will be having a Grandparent Tea on Tuesday May 8th.  More information will follow soon.

Jersey Day

We had a math  number line lesson with our jerseys on Thursday.  Thursday was also our school healthy snack day!  Thanks parent volunteers for putting together such a creative tray!

Monday 9 April 2018

The Easter Story

 Today many of the kids in class decided to re-enact the Easter story.   They completely organized themselves, set up the church on the carpet and decided the different roles for each other.  Someone played Jesus, others were the soldiers and the rest were parishners, watching the Easter Story.  It was amazing how serious the kids were, they were quiet, reverent and very respectful of their classmates as they role-played the Easter story.  Here is a picture of the kids praying in “church”.  It was an amazing example of kids staying together, listening to each other and cooperating.

Sunday 8 April 2018

Canada Inquiry

Our Canada inquiry is still continuing in our class.  A student brought in the book “Why I Love Canada”, which led to us creating our own class book of why we love Canada.  Each child contributed a page explaining why they love Canada.  Here are a few examples:

Wednesday 4 April 2018

Body Calm

Sometimes we all need to calm our bodies by laying down and listening to some gentle music.  It helps relax everyone and keeps us in the green zone for optimal learning!  These kids are awesome! They are always eager to try new things!

Last supper

We had our “Last Supper” on Holy Thursday.  Someone played Jesus and we talked about how Jesus washed the feet of his disciples as a way to show his service to others.  We talked about how our job is to help others, just like Jesus did.

Monday 2 April 2018


We have been talking a lot about diversity these last two weeks, how we are the same and different.  We asked the kids to draw myself and Ms. Araujo last week.   Here is their art work!