Sunday 15 April 2018

Soap For Hope and Beautiful Junk

Please send in soap products this week for our Soap for Hope drive.

 In anticipation of Earth Day on April 22nd, we are also asking for you to send in any “beautiful junk” that you have around the house.  During the week of April 23rd we will be creating art using recycled materials.  “Beautiful junk” includes things like the following:

Cardboard, tubes, small boxes, egg cartons
String, yarn, material scraps
Buttons, feathers, beads
Cards, envelopes, wrapping paper
Lids, extra screws, bolts, washers 
Whatever else you may have around the house that we can use...

Looking ahead...we will be having a Grandparent Tea on Tuesday May 8th.  More information will follow soon.

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