Tuesday 27 September 2016


We have begun writing in our journals with our SK students.  We talked about what good writers do and we created a chart to help remind our students.  The journals are a place where the kids can write about anything they want.  Our JK's have drawn a picture on their front covers and we will begin inviting the JK's to draw a picture inside and tell us about it.  

SK parents can work with their child at home by encouraging them to write notes to their friends or family, help write the grocery list or even label the items in their room.

JK parents can work with their child at home by helping them identify the letters in their name.  If they know all the letters in their name, then move on to family members.

Monday 26 September 2016

Books we have been reading

During the month of September we spend a lot of time working on social skills.  Here are a couple of books that we read recently.  We also talk about our number one job which is to "show God's Love" and our number one rule is "safety first".

Wednesday 21 September 2016


We had the children draw a picture of themselves this week.  First we listened to a song called "Mat Man", which talks about all the body parts you need to include and then we asked the children to draw themselves.  Look what a great job they did!

Where is God?

Our Religion theme in Kindergarten is Where is God?  Today we read a story called "That's Where We Find God" and then we asked each child where they find God. 


Here is a copy of our class schedule.

Monday 19 September 2016

Saturday 17 September 2016

Fire Drill

On Friday we had our first school fire drill.  We prepared the children for it by reading a book about fire drills and we practiced lining up quietly.  The kids did an amazing job during the actual drill.  They lined up quietly, walked single file and stayed quiet while in line.  Miss Araujo and I were very proud of them.  We will be having a couple more drills this fall.

Thursday 15 September 2016

Another snack container

Does this belong to anyone?  Please label everything as the kids can't remember what their containers look like.  Thanks

Dot Day

Here are some photos of artists at work! 

Wednesday 14 September 2016

International Dot Day

Tomorrow is International Dot day!  There is a story called "The Dot", written by Peter Reynolds that explores the idea that everyone can be creative and should be encouraged to "make their mark"!

We are asking the kids to wear something with dots on it and we will be reading the story and doing a fun art activity using dots.  Stay tuned to see the finished masterpieces.....!

Library Every Wednesday

Today was our first visit to the library. The kids are learning to line up single file and walk carefully up the stairs, taking one step at a time and use the handrail.  Mrs. Buttery (our librarian) reads the kids a story and then the children get to pick a book from the shelves.  
Our library day is every Wednesday.  Your child is coming home with a library book today that you can keep for the week.  Please ensure your child returns their book before the next library day so they can take out a new book.

Monday 12 September 2016

The Kissing Hand

Today we read The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn.  It is a story about a raccoon that is nervous to go to school because he is afraid he will miss his mommy.  The mom raccoon sends Chester to school with a "kissing hand" so that if he is missing his mom he can put his palm to his cheek and he can feel his mother's love.  Your "homework" tonight is to kiss your child's palm so that they can feel your love if they are feeling sad at school.  Missing home the first little bit of school is normal.  It is a big adjustment for everyone, but once they settle into the routines they will be fine.😊

Sunday 11 September 2016

Lost and Found

This was left behind from someone's snack on Friday.  Is anyone missing it?  Please send us a note if it is yours.  It really helps if you label or at least initial all your containers, It helps us get things back to you.  Thanks


Welcome to our classroom blog!  Please bookmark this address so you can checkin and see what we are doing in class.  Our first two days went smoothly.  We were delighted to see our returning students and excited to meet our new ones.  We have 28 students this year, 15 SK's and 13 JK's.  We will spend the next couple weeks getting to know everyone and learning the routines.  A lot of information and paperwork comes home in the first few weeks so I am listing some important dates here:
September 14           all student information forms are due
September 16           Pizza order forms due ( pls  pay by cash online...form still needs to  be returned)
September 21          PICTURE DAY
September 22         Curriculum Night @ 6:30 in the gym
September 23         Milk orders due (form still to come )

We will be creating our class family tree so if you could send us in a family photo as soon as possible we would appreciate it.

We would appreciate it if you could send in a box of tissues with your child.  We like to have a supply on hand for when the cold season arrives.
Also if you have any "found junk" (ribbon, buttons, corks, empty paper towel rolls, cards, etc)
around the house we welcome it for our art station.  We are always amazed by the children's

Looking forward to a great year!

Mrs. Harrison and Miss Araujo