Sunday 11 September 2016


Welcome to our classroom blog!  Please bookmark this address so you can checkin and see what we are doing in class.  Our first two days went smoothly.  We were delighted to see our returning students and excited to meet our new ones.  We have 28 students this year, 15 SK's and 13 JK's.  We will spend the next couple weeks getting to know everyone and learning the routines.  A lot of information and paperwork comes home in the first few weeks so I am listing some important dates here:
September 14           all student information forms are due
September 16           Pizza order forms due ( pls  pay by cash online...form still needs to  be returned)
September 21          PICTURE DAY
September 22         Curriculum Night @ 6:30 in the gym
September 23         Milk orders due (form still to come )

We will be creating our class family tree so if you could send us in a family photo as soon as possible we would appreciate it.

We would appreciate it if you could send in a box of tissues with your child.  We like to have a supply on hand for when the cold season arrives.
Also if you have any "found junk" (ribbon, buttons, corks, empty paper towel rolls, cards, etc)
around the house we welcome it for our art station.  We are always amazed by the children's

Looking forward to a great year!

Mrs. Harrison and Miss Araujo

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