Monday 12 September 2016

The Kissing Hand

Today we read The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn.  It is a story about a raccoon that is nervous to go to school because he is afraid he will miss his mommy.  The mom raccoon sends Chester to school with a "kissing hand" so that if he is missing his mom he can put his palm to his cheek and he can feel his mother's love.  Your "homework" tonight is to kiss your child's palm so that they can feel your love if they are feeling sad at school.  Missing home the first little bit of school is normal.  It is a big adjustment for everyone, but once they settle into the routines they will be fine.😊

1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet story and great tip! I am going to do the kiss tomorrow morning:) I surprisingly notice that I never give Owen a kiss to school. What a tipical Asian mom who always commends the son to behave at school or remember to eat all the food! So heart broken to see him crying on the bus on Monday. Good thing is today he is much better. Ok boy, you will bring my kiss to school tomorrow:) Great thanks to Mrs. Harrison & Miss. Araujo!
