Tuesday 12 September 2017


Today the JK's worked with their names.  They had to identify their name and then we went over the letters in their name and we counted how many letters are in their name.  This activity gives us a great starting point in terms of understanding where to start with each child.   If a child was not able to identify all the letters in their name then we will start there, focusing on just the letters in their name.  Once they can identify their letters, we will move onto the rest of the alphabet.   For those that know the letters of their name, we will focus on all the alphabet letters and their sounds.
Our program is based on the developmental needs of each child, in other words, we meet the child where they are developmentally, and move forward from there.

SK students will be doing a different name activity this week which involves adding up the value of their name using Scrabble tiles.  Should be fun!!

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