Tuesday 5 September 2017


Welcome to our classroom blog.  This is where we will post information about what is happening in the classroom.
Tuesday September 5th and Wednesday September 6th we will be meeting with our new JK students and families.  Thursday September 7th will be the first day of school for all our retuning SK's and half of our JK's.  Friday all our SK's come again and the other half of our JK's come to school.  Monday September 11th will be the first day of school for ALL students.  This year we have 15 SK and 11 JK Students, for a total of 26.
Miss Araujo and I are looking forward to an exciting year of learning together with all our friends!  Please check the blog regularly for updates.  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at the school, send a note in your child's mailbag, or send us a note on remind.

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